Looking for more videos? 


Webinar: The ABCs of BAS (Building Automation Systems): Starting a BAS Program

Interested in learning about the critical elements to consider when creating a new BAS program? Brian Lovell and Robert Nirenberg, BEST Co-PIs, will share their experiences about seeking college support, engaging industry advisors, and recruiting faculty to set up an educational pathway towards this high-demand occupation.


Webinar: BEST Talks – How to Create a Variable Air Volume (VAV) Trainer

VAV forced-air systems are fundamental in many commercial buildings. Join BEST Center on a webinar as we review some of the digitally-controlled trainers created by participants at the BAS IX (Building Automation Systems) Workshop, held June 2021.


Webinar: How to start a tool lending library

Ted Wilinski of BEST Center and Milwaukee Area Technical College presents on how to set up a tool lending library to support remote learning, lab activities, and independent projects.


Webinar: BEST TALKS – Intro to 360 Applications

Join Jenny Brinker (NE Wisconsin Technical College) and Steve Abercrombie (South Seattle College) for a virtual discussion on applications of 360 video technologies for remote learning, instructional lab design models, and “campus as living labs.”


Webinar: Women in Building Technologies and the Trades

On April 26th, 2018, BEST and HVAC Excellence hosted a webinar about recruiting more women into building technologies and the trades. Speakers included Dr. Deb Hall (Valencia College), Merry Beth Hall (PHCC – Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association), Telese Williams (Technician, Georgia State University), and Samantha Lott (Student, Sacramento City College). BEST Director Pam Wallace and Manager Larry Chang facilitated.

Click here to download the slides:  Women in Building Technologies and the Trades (1890 downloads )

Career Videos: Building A Better Tomorrow

BEST Center produced two career videos to showcase the work of a High-Performance Building Technician and the community and technical college programs around the country to help get prospective students on a path to a rewarding career. The 6:43-minute video goes more in depth with examples and testimony from the industry. The 2:43-minute video targets younger audiences and aims to entice views to seek more information. 

Customize a video

Our network of colleges is invited to have a customized version of the video that displays the college logo and contact information at the end so the video can be used for marketing/outreach events. If you would like one, please download and edit these PPT slides. Send edited slides and a note to info@bestctr.org.

Building a Better Tomorrow Now (2:43)

Building a Better Tomorrow (6:43)


Webinar: ACE Mentor Program – Pathway to Community Colleges and the Skilled Trades

On January 26, 2017,  BEST Center and HVAC Excellence hosted a webinar that focused on ACE Mentor Program’s efforts to increase student success and enrollment through an outstanding after-school program. It features the ACE Mentor programs at Kirkwood Community College, Cuyahoga Community College, and Laney College.

BEST ACE webinar presentation (3632 downloads )



Webinar: Marketing Your Building Technology Program

On April 27, 2016, BEST Center and HVAC Excellence hosted a webinar for community and technical college faculty interested in marketing strategies and ideas for their building technology program. Featured in the webinar are Chris Miller of Heartland Community College, Renee Tomlinson of ESCO Group/HVAC Excellence, and Robert McNabb of Laramie County Community College.


Webinar: Resources for Building Technician Educators

On October 7, 2015, BEST Center and HVAC Excellence hosted a webinar that reviews the myths and realities of high-performance buildings, faculty professional development opportunities, web resources, available National Science Foundation (NSF) grants, and samples of curriculum and instructional lab development. Speakers include: Peter Crabtree, Principal Investigator, BEST Center; Dean of Career and Technical Education, Laney College; Pamela Wallace, Director, BEST Center; Brian Lovell, Co-Principal Investigator, Georgia Piedmont Technical College; Ted Wilinski, Co-Principal Investigator, Milwaukee Area Technical College; Larry Chang, Manager, BEST Center; Bob Clark, HVACR Faculty, College of DuPage; and Charlotte Forrest, Co-Principal Investigator, Mentor-Connect. (Note: The recording begins a few moments after Pamela Wallace started her opening remarks.)


Campus as a Living Lab: Central New Mexico Community College

Campus as a Living Lab began at Central New Mexico Community College (CNM) in Spring 2014. The intention of Campus as a Living Lab is to utilize campus facilities, maintenance, and operations as opportunities for students to learn both existing course content and sustainability concepts while helping the college to reach its sustainability goals. Published June 24, 2015. 


Webinar: Campus as Living Lab – Experiments in Revitalizing Education & Building Performance

This presentation examines how colleges might use their energy conservation and energy management projects as hands-on learning opportunities for students. Such “living labs” merge academics and campus facilities management to provide students with real-world skills while institutions meet their sustainability goals. Presenters include the SEED Center, Lane Community College, and GA Piedmont Technical College. For more info, see the SEED Center/USGBC guide “The Campus as a Living Lab.” The webinar was hosted by BEST Center & American Assoc. of Community Colleges’ (AACC) SEED Center on November 7, 2013.


Webinar: HVAC and Building Technician Credentialing

On April 13, 2012, Laney College’s Environmental Control Technology dept. hosted its second webinar, which was focused on professional certifications for HVAC and building technicians. The presenters included NATE (North American Technician Excellence), HVAC Excellence, NCCER (National Center for Construction Education and Research), SpaceTEC (National Resource Center for Aerospace Technical Education), and USGBC (U.S. Green Building Council). 


Webinar: Basics of HVAC Program Accreditation

On June 29, 2011, Laney College’s Environmental Control Technology department hosted a webinar on “Basics of HVAC Program Accreditation”. The presenters included HVAC Excellence, NCCER (The National Center for Construction Education and Research), and PAHRA (Partnership for Air-Conditioning, Heating, Refrigeration Accreditation), three of the leading organizations involved in this area.


Building Commissioning: A comparison between Ships and Building

Building commissioning should be undertaken with the same quality assurance principles as naval warships. This would lead to greater reliability, efficiency and clear energy savings, allowing for easy LEED certification and climate change fighting potential. Published August 27, 2009.




This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 1204930. Any opinions, findings, conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

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