Have you heard? BEST Center has joined forces with the California Institute for Energy and Environment (CIEE) at University of California – Berkeley to boost technician education nationwide. CIEE strives to advance California’s energy goals by focusing on public-interest research in energy science, technology, and policy.
With support from CIEE’s experts and resources, BEST will continue to provide professional development and leadership to community and technical colleges developing advanced educational programs in heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVAC/R), building automation, and energy management.
You can reach us at:
Peter Crabtree (Principal Investigator) – plcrabtree@berkeley.edu or pcrabtree@bestctr.org
Larry Chang (Director) – Lchang@bestctr.org
BEST Center
c/o California Institute for Energy and Environment
2150 Allston Way, Suite 280
Berkeley, CA 94704
From the press release:
“The Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) and its partners today announced the launch of the Green Buildings Career Map, an interactive career map highlighting the breadth of rewarding career opportunities in building energy efficiency. The Map was supported by a grant from the U.S. Department of Energy Building Technologies Office, in partnership with the Building Performance Association (BPA), Community Action Partnership (CAP), Home Builders Institute (HBI), Building Performance Institute, and National Institute of Building Sciences.
The Green Buildings Career Map features 55 jobs in energy efficiency for buildings across four different industry sectors, as well as over 300 potential advancement routes—all developed with input from industry subject matter experts. By helping interested job seekers learn about quality jobs related to energy efficiency in buildings, the Green Buildings Career Map will help foster a robust and inclusive pipeline of qualified workers to meet employer demand.”
Read more

As we begin a new year, we would like to take a moment to applaud the remarkable accomplishments of our industry professionals, members, and students. Healthy buildings have never been more important. Your contributions to the industry make for a safer and more sustainable world. Thank you.
Read Why COVID-19 raises the stakes for building health
Thank you to this year’s participants for making our Annual Institute a success. Click here to access video recordings of the sessions which centered on the theme “Sustaining Healthy and Energy Efficient Buildings through Technician Education“ .
Responses due by 5pm PT on Monday, March 22, 2021
Please provide your opinion of BEST Center’s quality and effectiveness. The 5-minute survey will help us develop resources for building science and high performance building education and workforce development. All responses will be kept confidential. Thank you!
Update: Survey closed
December 10, 2020
Join Jenny Brinker (NE Wisconsin Technical College) and Steve Abercrombie (South Seattle College) for a virtual discussion on applications of 360 video technologies for remote learning, instructional lab design models, and “campus as living labs.”
January 6 – 7, 2021 (Free and Online)
Calling all instructors, students, technicians, facilities managers, and building professionals:
Plan to join BEST Center and Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL) for the 2021 Annual Institute. This year’s theme is “Sustaining Healthy and Energy Efficient Buildings through Technician Education”. The event will be free and online. Read more.
BEST Center would like to take a moment to recognize the contribution and dedication of some of our friends as they begin new chapters. Thank you!
Madeline Patton, NSF consultant, is writing blog articles for Preparing Technicians for the Future of Work . She is working with educators and industry to identify cross-cutting skills in three areas: Data Knowledge & Analysis, Advanced Digital Literacy, and Business Knowledge & Processes.
Next month, she would like to interview a commercial building technician who uses these high-tech skills and has deep knowledge of equipment and building management systems. The article will focus on that person’s 1) daily tasks and responsibilities, 2) educational preparation, and 3) need to stay current about new technologies. If you have any suggestions, please contact Madeline at mpattonwriting@gmail.com.
National Science Foundation (NSF) Advanced Technological Education (ATE) program has awarded Wake Technical Community College grants to add classes and enhance opportunities for students to meet industry needs for skilled technicians in modern, high-tech facilities. Andy Smart is the Principal Investigator. Read more.